6 Ways School Is Stopping Your Creativity

School is making you wasted and non-creative person

Age of Awareness


Remember those days when you could also dream of becoming a Actor or a real life hero, a pop singer, a pro athlete. But after passing some levels at school you start thinking realistic ( Actually most unrealistic things) things like getting a 9–5 job ,paying rents.

You are so far from that dreamer you were before and do you know who forced you to this bullshit stuff that is called school. Comment what funny thing you wanted to be when you were a child.

School system- Raise your hand to ask questions
School rule- Raise hand to ask question.

Sir Ken Robinson said in his famous TED Talk.

What we do know is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong… And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities.

School Hates Failures, Life is About Failures:

You know the story of Walt Disney . Before he started the Disney business, he was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”(source-Biography.com)

Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school for three times because of his poor grades and dyslexia disorder (source ft.com). Henry Ford want bankrupt for 5 times before establishing ford as a successful company. So, if you want to succeed you have to fail. But school bullies and demotivates failure. So you have to fight until you get succeed.

School Bribes You to Study, Life Gives You Nothing:

School tells you to get a good grade then go to a good university and take a job and work until 60. Most of the people never listen to there heart the just go with the flow. Remember, Only dead fish go with the flow.

Bill Gates dropped out of university to make a software company. He could have follow the dots that is followed by thousands. But most people always choose the wrong path. So always believe that wrong path can often lead you to success.

Only dead fish go with the flow
Always follow your heart

School is Not About Competition, Life is About Cooperation:

At school, you are forced to make good marks then others. But there is a saying goes that “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”

You must need to know how to grow together as a community. To succeed in life you must need to know how to built teams how be a team player and how to make friends.(source-skillsyouneed.com)

School Teaches You Then Takes Test, Life Tests You Then Teaches:

In school, teachers first teaches and then takes tests. But in real world when you face tough time that when you start understanding the thinks. You go through hell before finally getting to heaven and this is the best way to learn.

So, you will learn how to deal with pressure and pain. On the other hand, school is quite a nice and sound place you won’t feel the real world before getting out of high school.(source-Pinterest Quote)

School Doesn’t Support Creativity, Life Is All About Creatives:

At school you are always told to follow the custom path made by society. On a survey it was found out that kids in junior grade are more creative then the seniors.

Creative Mind
Creative Mind vs Dead Mind

Because school have always teaches the same book to everybody. But not all of them has the same capability. So, if you try something new or think out of the box people will laugh at you. Because they have always followed the same path that is followed by thousands.

School Preaches Obedience; life Is All About Disobedience:

There are rules like: put on school dress everyday, don’t talk in class, systematic setting arrangements etc which makes you obedient(source-mangoosh.com). You might have heard the story of a donkey, who have a carrot dangling in-front of it and the donkey follows the carrot . Same thing is happening at school you can never follow your heart if you are not disobedient to school system.

Success have no easy path
Success have no easy path- Unsplash

Success only goes to those who walks against the crowed. You must follow the tough path to get to success and there is now shortcut way of success. So if you are dreaming creating something changing something then just be the change. If you want to achieve something you have to choose the hard way.



Age of Awareness

Writer| life lessons, personality building, humor, politics | Be the change you want to see in others | tahsanzahid17@gmail.com